the chickens come home to roost
- the chickens come home to roost
воздаться сторицею; что посеешь, то и пожнешь (выражение, обозначающее, что последствия неправильных или вредных действий кого-либо по отношению к кому-нибудь обрушатся на него самого)
English-Russian australian expression.
Смотреть что такое "the chickens come home to roost" в других словарях:
(the) chickens come home to roost — sth comes home to ˈroost idiom (also the chickens come home to ˈroost) used to say that if sb says or does sth bad or wrong, it will affect them badly in the future Main entry: ↑homeidiom … Useful english dictionary
when the chickens come home to roost — When a person pays dearly for something bad he or she did in the past, the chickens come home to roost … The small dictionary of idiomes
chickens come home to roost — phrase used for saying that the bad results of something someone has done are starting to happen or to become clear After years of borrowing, the government’s chickens are coming home to roost. Thesaurus: unpleasant results and effectssynonym… … Useful english dictionary
chickens come home to roost — we cannot escape the consequences of our actions We soon discover that lies return to their owner, just as chickens come home to roost … English idioms
chickens come home to roost — If you say that chickens have come home to roost, you mean that bad or embarrassing things done in the past by someone are now causing problems for that person. As tenants the couple were noisy and disorderly. Now they can t find a place… … English Idioms & idiomatic expressions
chickens come home to roost — {informal} Words or acts come back to cause trouble for a person; something bad you said or did receives punishment; you get the punishment that you deserve. * /Fred s chickens finally came home to roost today. He was late so often that the… … Dictionary of American idioms
chickens come home to roost — {informal} Words or acts come back to cause trouble for a person; something bad you said or did receives punishment; you get the punishment that you deserve. * /Fred s chickens finally came home to roost today. He was late so often that the… … Dictionary of American idioms
chickens\ come\ home\ to\ roost — informal Words or acts come back to cause trouble for a person; something bad you said or did receives punishment; you get the punishment that you deserve. Fred s chickens finally came home to roost today. He was late so often that the teacher… … Словарь американских идиом
curses, like chickens, come home to roost — Also without specific reference to curses, as in quot. 2001 c 1390 CHAUCER Parson’s Tale 1. 620 And ofte tyme swich cursynge wrongfully retorneth agayn to hym that curseth, as a bryd that retorneth agayn to his owene nest. 1592 Arden of Feversham … Proverbs new dictionary
someone's chickens come home to roost — someone’s chickens come home to roost something comes home to roost phrase used for saying that bad actions or mistakes from the past have unpleasant results in the present It’s only now that the real problems in London are coming home to roost.… … Useful english dictionary
someone's chickens come home to roost — or something comes home to roost used for saying that bad actions or mistakes from the past have unpleasant results in the present It s only now that the real problems in London are coming home to roost … English dictionary